Frsh scents® partnership with "Plastic bank"

"Plastic Bank" - is a non-profit organization whose primary mission is to reduce plastic pollution in the world's oceans while contributing to poverty alleviation in underprivileged communities. They are encouraged to collect plastic waste from the oceans and their shores and exchange it as a currency equivalent for essential products: groceries, stationery, digital communication services, etc.

"Plastic bank" operates in countries that suffer from high levels of plastic pollution and poverty: the Philippines, Indonesia, Brazil and Egypt.

By partnering with "Plastic Bank", the world's most innovative companies and individuals support communities that collect plastic waste, contributing to their prosperity. Recycled plastic is reborn as Social Plastic® raw material and is used in the production of other products and packaging - thus giving old plastic a second life to live.

You can find more information about Plastic bank here -